Hand side:
Palm side:
As for my felted hat, the sob story is that I made one of these in 2005 and subsequently lost the favorite hat, so I'm making another as I know it'll be cold with that Victoria wind whipping by, and I don't want to go another year without. The hat is made with 3 skeins of Noro Kureyon - at least that is, with the parts of the 3 skeins that I wanted, namely the bright red and pink parts. The dark gray and black parts I just cut out. As one of my BB buddies mentioned, it probably makes the colorway more random. That's true, it's turned out wonderfully.
Here's the pre-felted version:
Although it's rough on the hands while knitting, Kureyon knits and felts up like a dream into a firm but soft fabric, albeit a little hairy. Definitely use a lingerie bag when felting one of these, it definitely sheds.
Just drying now, when it's dry, I'll post a pic of the finished hat.