I signed up for the Malabrigo Swap on Ravelry - which has been running for awhile now, a year or more. It's the first swap I've participated in that has so many rules, so many requirements to post, and so many check-ins. It's good because I stay connected to the group, learn more about other people on rav, and learn more about my swap partner's interests and wants. It's bad because rav is already a time suck, never mind having to post so often. Luckily, I've been able to keep up with the posts.
I received this amazing box in time for Valentine's Day:
The before:
and the after:
Here's an up-close and personal shot of the 2 skeins of Mal silky merino in hot pink:
and 1 skein of beautiful mal sock in caribeno: -
Adrienne, also included a large (and smaller sample) skein of her own handspun merino-tencel in blue-pink. (pic to come)
Also, in the picture, and hand knitted pink-and brown cowl, The Knitter's Almanac by Elizabeth Zimmerman, a pkg of Monkey-shaped magnetic page markers, a pkg of Loose Green Tea, Dolfin Chocolates in a variety of flavors (Pepper with Cardamon, Orange, Anis, Citron (Lemon), Cumin), a pkg of Clover locking stitch markers (I use these all the time, and my friends always rib me about using them, but they're really great and useful!), and a pkg of clover cable needles (which I need, because I always seem to misplace this middle-sized white one.
Also, this little tin of polymer clay stitch markers (with the label "Yarn Snob" on the Tin):
and last but not least these very cute acorns, made with real acorn caps. They are little lavender sachets and they smell soooo good.
I was oh so very spoiled this time round.
I also had fun picking out and sending items to yarnpiggy. If she's posted her pkg items, they'll be on her blog.
In other news:-
- the DSL at my household finally kicked the bucket, so switched to cable broadband which I had in Portland. Makes it so easy to post pics from flickr. It was getting pretty annoying there for awhile.
- Finally made the requested man hat, and put it in the mail. I didn't have a pattern, so I modeled it after the one I made for my Dad, without the extra length. It was funny because I started it in the airport while I waiting for my flight to go to Charleston, SC, and I wasn't sure of the height of the hat, so I was sitting in the waiting area double-checking measurements with my measuring tape, and my head. It was not a fun project. There's nothing worse that trying to make a project for someone who requested it, but doesn't know anything about knitting. This was a back and forth request that was supposed to be a christmas gift but ended up being pushed into January by other projects and stuff at work. I finished up the one ball on my trip and finished it off when I got back. It looks like it is close to the length requested, but it doesn't matter, as he made it clear that he wouldn't wear it unless it was cold enough, and since portland is about 10 degrees warmer than victoria, he probably won't be wearing it until next year anyway. I'd say there's no joy in making gifts for people who don't appreciate them, so I'm back to being a selfish knitter and make gifts for myself or for people who I know appreciate knitted items.
- I went to the Victoria Tea Festival last weekend, and picked up some free samples of tea, coupons, and bought some unusual hot chocolates and teas I hadn't seen before. Most of what I bought this time was caffeinated, so I haven't tried it much yet.
This weekend is the Times-Colonist Book Sale, so I will most likely be going to do that tomorrow before my spa massage in the afternoon. Last year, it was huge, and I bought a few sewing books. This time, perhaps a bit of fiction, we'll see. I need more books like I need more yarn :)