Here's the pre-lace progress pic:
Since the first pic I posted, I discovered I was on the wrong needle, I'd misread my project pages.
So, I had to frog back the 3" of twisted ribbing and re-cast on, on a US6. A bit of finagling later, I was on my way. I like doing the twisted rib, but it gets old after awhile..and I need to remember not to double-twist the stitches otherwise they end up being big and puffy, just like a stitch that isn't twisted properly.
Also, the bugga yarn on these skeins is stiffer..and I'm hoping it'll block out when I'm done.
My birthday came and went with lots of celebratory dinners out - Lao Ventiane for Laotian food, Lamb dinner and tiramisu at San Remo's, and a Large bowl of mussels at The Brentwood Pub. Also, since then, dinner at The Roost, recommended by Mandy, a gal in my knitting group. The roast beef was delicious and I kind of tripped down memory lane.
Some new yarn for my stash - (Happy Birthday to me! ... The lovely Coquette in MCN Worsted-
and some new old yarn dyed over by my friend Emma as lovely teals:
The before pic below - olive green (shown far right) and a mint green (2nd from right), both not my colors from a Pigeonroof Studios Grab Bag. Both apparently were quite yellow - too much so for my complexion. The mint is some kind of fingering MCN very soft and I couldn't part with it. The Bacchus is a merino-silk blend with a lovely hand and bit of a sheen.
Not sure what the dark teal will be, but I think the blue-green will be some kind of shawl.