I had originally reduced the pattern repeat to 4 repeats from 6 repeats for my size to make it be snug on my wrist. Problem is that snug at my wrist means there isn't enough stretch and I end up strangling my arm if I push up my sleeves (or try to push them up past my elbow).
I contacted the designer, and also talked to someone in my group who handily could visualize and drew me a quick sketch. I'm going to try to cast-on provisionally, the sleeve stitches at the top of the body tube, and then, knit the yoke as per the pattern, and then, pick up and knit down the sleeves to the length I want.
I like the idea of having long-sleeves but right now, summer's here and it's too hot to think about what I'd like to wear in the winter time or if I think I'd wear the sweater some other time of the year.
I've also started a new projectwhile I was ruminating - Lavaliere..a pattern I received last year for my birthday..and here's the pics of the yarn with the pattern pic.
These were 2 skeins of white-faced meadowhawk from the valentines bonbons which arrived as non-variegated well-blended skeins..and happened to match well enough to cast-on. Turns out I took a wayward turn on my lifted increases, and decided last night after knitting a couple of inches that I wasn't happy with it, so I ripped it back completely and started over.
One of the projects will end up working out..
As my mom said... I would have less problems with my projects if I just followed the directions. However, I wouldn't necessarily be happy with the finished project..and I think that tailoring it to me so it actually fits me makes it so I'm more likely to wear it.