The cardi is complete. Turns out I had overknit 3", and ripped back so that the cardi sit comfortably just over the top of my jeans. I bound off and used the remainder re-balled yarn to finish off the 2 cap sleeves, and do the bind-off at the neck. I had to rip back 2-3 rows of my swatch (ack!), in order to finish the bind-off. While I was digging through some stuff, I found some cute shell buttons which I'll affix to the cardigan. I'll have to use the rest of my swatch to secure the buttons. Yay for Emma's suggestion to block the cardi before I could finish it.
Was reading over the June post. The Isotonic Indulgence pillow didn't work out the way I hoped. In a matter of days, I felt it was too flat. I ended up buying a wool pillow instead (used another 20% off coupon) as the e-mail coupons finally kicked in! It's been a dream, I think it's worked succesfully for more than 6 weeks. I've been using the Isotonic Indulgence under my knees, which keeps my back straight while sleeping. Not sure why, but for months now, I haven't been able to sleep on my side. either my arm falls asleep and cramps, or it's just been too uncomfy to do so.
I've started the second swatch of the madtosh dk baltic for the Salted pullover. I think I got about a half a swatch knit.
People keep telling me that the housing market is really hot right now, so I'm back to thinking about putting my house up for sale. I have become cluttered again. So, I found this book by Marie Kondo that a friend had mentioned, and read that one evening this week. It's a pretty good read; way too much stuff about her experiences. The 2 take away gems are: Only keep what you love (and discard the rest), and Sort by Category not by location. She also talks a bit about the psychology and why people rebound (they start with the most meaningful things they are attached to etc).
It anyway inspired me to separate out some clothes for donation, and I brought a stack of clothes downtown to Velvet Crease (cook st.) for consignment. They accepted 7 items, and suggested another shop for the t-shirts and such. I think some stuff will end up being donated, and some stuff will perhaps wait for a later visit - November for Christmas-type items, and Spring for the rest of the dresses/short-sleeve or no-sleeve tops. They said they were focused on women's business clothes but I think they might mean middle-aged women's business clothes, because they did not take a couple of business/nicer sleeveless tops that could be easily layered with jackets year-round.
Overcast day and I hope that it get sunny again soon.
Last weekend, went to a wedding, and it was fabulously sunny and I met a lot of interesting people and practiced Connection. It was fun. Sometimes highlights in my life though make the rest of the time feel dreary and low.
Saturday, August 08, 2015
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Cardi is almost complete
Apologies for the bad pic, taken inside. The color is a stunning periwinkle blue.
I ripped back 3" from this last week. Pre-blocking was a great idea (thanks emma!). It ended up relaxing and being a couple of inches longer than I wanted.
Good thing too, as I was almost out of yarn, and still had the sleeves, and neck to do. Now, I've finished the ribbing at the hem, and one sleeve cap, and I have 12g left. It was 5g for the one sleeve's ribbing, so I think I have enough to finish up.
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black friday
I've updated the sale page with some key sales for Black Friday. I'm not doing a lot of yarn buying these days, so these are the on...
I've updated the sale page with some key sales for Black Friday. I'm not doing a lot of yarn buying these days, so these are the on...
The weeks have flown by and I'm still living without a dishwasher and in a challenged space. I pushed and pushed to have work done at my...