Now, to seam and make the final cording at the waist. I'm not sure about this crochet, it looks a bit wimpy. I think I might try the i-cord after all.
Here's the progress on the Rhiannon sock, currently on hold - I'm trying to decide whether to rip back to before the heel. I had ended up with the same # of stitches (76) as I was supposed to have after ending the horshoe cable. That is, I had already 76 before the double decreases, so I would have ended up with 68 stitches instead of 76. So, I just twisted the cable like so, and it re-expanded when I went to knit the heel. Will try to knit a partridge heel also, as I don't like the plain heel flap that cookie's planned for me. Good thing she's not really watching, as I have veered a lot from her original design.
The Front so far:
and the back:
Sent these cuties off in the mail to a friend in Germany who had her baby Lara Sophie last year. This little girl has a lot of pink in her closet - so i'm sending her some green to spice up her life a little...and of course, there's still a bit of pink in there (to please her mom).
My mom looked at the one on the far left last week and said "cute shamrocks" before she realized they were really cute little butterflies.
$15.80 for postage without a tracking number...hopefully, she'll receive these little lovelies soon.
Also, Chris told me today that she receives many compliments on her beautifully felted green and purple hat. :) It's nice to knit for thankful and happy people.
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